給湯器の凍結について / About the freeze of the hot water supply device (AbcdeFlat Kitayama)

水道や給湯器の凍結について / The freeze of the water service and hot water supply device




The water service and the hot water supply device may freeze up when it becomes very cold. It is very rare that the water supply in Kyoto freeze. But the hot water supply device may freeze when it is less than -1 degree centigrade by a weather forecast. (Actually the water service rarely freeze, because the cold water pipe is in indoors and is covered with an insulation material. But the hot water supply device is easy to freeze. Because the device is in the balcony of each rooms and the pipe in the device is very thin. However the device may not freeze when it become less cold because an electric heater is contained.)

In this case, please wait when it defrosts naturally. And please do not heat them. Otherwise water pipe may explode and a hot water supply device may break down.

If you really wants to use hot water from morning even if the hot water supply device will be freeze in the early morning, please start water from a faucet (hot water side) little by little overnight after closing the cock of the gas of the hot water supply device in your balcony. Then you can prevent the freeze of the hot water supply device although much water will be wasted.

室内の結露について / dew condensation



2) 料理をする時やシャワーを使う時など、湿気を生じる時は、換気扇を使って下さい。

When there is difference of temperature of the heat and cold, the dew condensation occurs to the window of the aluminum frame. Although it is usual thing, if dew condensation occurs heaveily, mold may grow when we do not perform the following thing.

1) Please wipe off the dew condensation with a dustcloth. Then it prevents curtain and floor from getting wet.
(The window may be broken when you put a dew condensation prevention seat or a dew condensation adsorption seat on the window. And also the window may be broken when you warm the window. Therefore please don't put anything on the window. And please don't heat the window.)

2) Please use the ventilation fan, when you cook, when you shower, or when you produce moisture.
(When you use the ventilation fan, please open a window or a door. Otherwise the performance of ventilation fan is not well.)


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