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Inquiry to AbcdeFlat (Email sending forms)

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The above is new mail sending form. Please use new one.

メールフォームのQRコード。QR code of mail sending form.




The followings are 3 types of email sending forms. But the mail server is sometimes out of order.

We try to reply to email as soon as possible, but it may take 2 or 3 days.
If there is no response after that, an error has occurred. Please send again.

Please note that you may not be able to reply due to an incorrect email address!

お急ぎの場合は、"abcdeflat" アットマーク "yahoo.co.jp"まで、メールを送って下さい。

If the email sending form is not displayed, the server on which the mail sending form is placed may recover after a while.
If you are in a hurry, please send an email to our email address: "abcdeflat" at sign "yahoo.co.jp".


Or please contact us by the following mail sending form.


メールフォームのQRコード。QR code of mail sending form.

[AbcdeFlat Top page]

[English page]

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