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Soundscape in Kyoto


There are various sounds in Japan. There are people who feel them noisy and also those who feel them nostalgic scenery. It may be culture in East Asia. Kyoto is generally a quiet town, but Kyoto is no exception, and there are various sounds.


The following collection are the links to youtube about the sound in Kyoto.

托鉢の僧 Religious mendicancy
The Buddhist priests of the religious mendicancy sometimes come in morning from Daitoku-ji Temple. If you gave them money or rice, it will be pleased them and you may have divine favor.
 (1)  (2)

寺の鐘 The bell ringing in the evening
The bell ringing from the bell tower in the Daitokuji-temple in the evening around our apartment. Although I couldn't find the bell of Daitoku-ji temple in youtube, I found the bell of another temple.
 湖東三山の鐘の音 / The bell ring of three temples in Eastern Biwa Lake  妙心寺の鐘の音 / The bell ring of Myoshinji temple

古紙回収/ Wastepaper collection car
 関西古紙回収組合はアパートの周辺に時々来ます。The car of the Kansai wastepaper collection association sometimes comes around our apartment.
 (1)  (2)

廃品回収 Junk removal truck
 (1)  (2)  (3)

ロバのパン屋 Sale of bread(Bread of the donkey)
Kyoto is said to be the birthplace. It became it is very rare. I feel noisy about this music, but I can feel very nostalgia.
 (1)  (2)

焼き芋 Yaki-Imo (baked sweet potato) truck
わらび餅 Warabi-mochi (bracken mochi)
竿だけ屋 laundry pole vendor

灯油販売 Sale of kerosene
It is only in the cold season. But there are many people feeling that it is very noisy. The dogs bark and the babies cry by the big music from this car.
 (1)  (2)

選挙カー Campaign vehicle for election
It is only in the season of election. They call the name of the candidate repeatedly only. But many people feel it is noisy and nonsense. And many dogs bark.
 (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)

右翼 Ultra-nationalist/The extreme right wing
 北区では珍しいですが、やかましさナンバーワンです。怒ると、街宣車で押し変えてくるかもしれないので、要注意です。They are very unusual in north part of Kyoto. Probably they are noisiest in Kyoto. Please be careful!! If they are angry, they come to our flat by big car with loud voice and loud music!?
 (1)  (2)  (3)  (4)  (5)

京都の音 色々

重要なお願い/Important request

Please do not watch youtube in case of hig vision mode for a long time. Because high vison mode use many bands. Therefore the many wifi become heavily, especially in the night.


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