
How come to AbcdeFlat Kitayama(Yours Kitayama)

The google map of AbcdeFlat

If you put the address of Yours Kitayama (AbcdeFlat) into google map, sometimes it is not correct. Please use above map.

From Kyoto station

There are some ways from Kyoto station to Abcdeflat. If you want to come to AbcdeFlat easily, taxi is easiest way. But you have enough time and power, I recommend city bus. You can see many things and you can save money.

(1) by bus(No.9 city bus) and 5 minutes walk
(2-1) by subway and by taxi
(2-2) by subway and by bus(No.37 city bus)
(2-3) by subway and 25 minutes walk
(3) to Nijo station by JR Sagano line and by bus(No.46 city bus)
(4) by taxi

(1) by bus From Kyoto station to OmiyaTajiricho by bus(No.9 city bus) and 5 minutes walk from bus stop

If you come to Abcdeflat by bus, please get on No.9 city bus, and get off at OmiyaTajiricho.

I think you had better go to Tourist Information first,and get the bus map(Bus-Navi),and ask to check the bus stop"OmiyaTajiricho" on the bus map,then it is very easy.

Kyoto-station map

Kyoto Tourist Information center is on pedestrian walkway in Kyoto station 2nd Floor.

When you get on No.9-city-bus at Kyoto stn, please go to B-area where is in front of Kyoto-stn.

Bus Navi
Bus Navi(city bus map)
Bus Navi(city bus guide)

It takes about 30-45 minutes from Kyoto-stn to AbcdeFlat by No.9 bus depending on traffic situation.

Time table :No.9-city-bus from Kyoto-stn to Nishigamo-Shako via Omiya-Tajiricho

If you want, Usasan can go to bus stop(OmiyaTajiricho) to welcome you on foot. In this case, please send sms to Usasan's mobile phone twice when you get on the bus at Kyoto station and when you pass through KitaojiHorikawa(about 10 minutes before arrival at OmiyaTajiricho).

If you can't send sms, please send email when you arrive at Kyoto station and when you get on the bus. And please call me when you arrive at the bus stop(OmiyaTajiricho). Usasan will go to the bus stop by bike quikly.

Of course, you can come to Abcdeflat directly. In this case, Usasan will wait for you in Abcdeflat.

The route map from OmiyaTajiricho to Abcdeflat
(The route map from OmiyaTajiricho to Abcdeflat)

Important Notice when you come to Abcdeflat

(2) by subway

(2-1) from Kyoto station to Kitaoji station by subway and from Kitaoji station to Abcdeflat by taxi
(2-2) from Kyoto station to Kitaoji station by subway and from Kitaoji station to OmiyaTajiricho by bus(No.37 city bus, 5 minutes walk from bus stop)
(2-3) from Kyoto station to Kitaoji station by subway, 25 minutes walk from Kitaoji station

From Subway station

  Time table of subway Kitaoji station for Kyoto station,Takeda and Nara

  Important Notice when you come to Abcdeflat

From other stations by bus

(3-1) From Kyoto station to Nijo station by JR Sagano line and from Nijo station to OmiyaDaimoncho by bus(No.46 city bus)
(3-2) From Kyoto station to Nijo station by JR Sagano line and from Nijo station to Abcdeflat by taxi


(2-1) by subway and by taxi. 8 minutes from Kitaoji station (930-1120 yen)
(4) by taxi from Kyoto station.20-25 minutes from Kyoto station (about 2610-3200 yen)

Taxi is the easiest way. But the taxi driver sometimes doesn't know the exact place. Please make sure where you get off. If the taxi driver doesn't know the exact place, you had better ask a taxi driver to call Usasan to get direction.

The map for taxi driver

If you show this map to taxi drivers by smartphone, it may be too small to read. Please print this map in order to be able to read the name of landmarks. And please show it to the taxi driver. If you print small size, taxi driver can not read the address in Japanese.

Important Notice when you come to Abcdeflat

Bus stop

Map of the bus stops(Around Abcdeflat/Yours Kitayama)



KamigamoMishonobashi(No,Kita3) For Kitaoji station Kyoto Sangyo University

Timetables of city bus No.4 No.9 No.37 No.46

The Place of Public phone Around OmiyaTajiricho, OmiyaMinamibayashicho,Kamogawachugakumae,Kamigamo-shirine

Restaurants around the bus stop and AbcdeFlat Misonobashi and Kamigamo-shrine area

The shop guide of Misonobashi shopping street Misonobashi shopping street

Luggage delivery service(Taqbin/takuhaibin)

There are the people using the door-to-door home delivery service (takuhaibin) for their luggage. There are two major transport company which have Time Zone Delivery service.


Sagawa Express

From Airports to Kyoto

From Airports(Kansai Airport and Itami Airport) to Kyoto

Access to Universities Access to Universities

Access to Kurama and Kibune Access to Kurama and Kibune

Important Notice when you come to Abcdeflat

[abcdeflat menu page]

Menu page for residents at abcdeflat Kitayama

Menu page for residents at abcdeflat Shichiku

AbcdeFlat is a nick name for short term residents. The flat name is "Yours Kitayama".