ゴミ出しについてのお願い/Atteention for the getting out your garbage

ゴミ出しの方法 / How to get the garbage out


Please bring your garbage the designated place by a designated method and days.(at the north side of your apartment on the Shin-omiya street )

★ 「燃えるゴミ」(リサイクルしないゴミ)は、京都市指定の燃やすゴミ用の黄色の袋を使用して、月曜の朝と木曜の朝(8:00まで)に出して下さい。

Please use the yellow bag which Kyoto city government appointed for the burnable garbage.

Please put your burnable garbage (non-recyclable garbage) into the garbage box on Monday morning and Thursday morning(by 8:00 am).


In case of the garbage, foods which are damaged by crows and cats ,please pack them in a paper sack, and then please put it in a yellow bag of the Kyoto appointed.


Click on the image to see a larger image.





There are only 2 categories about recycle garbage. One is "Plastic containers and Wrappings" and the other is "Cans, Glass bottles, PET bottles(plastic bottles)".

If you want to recycle, please use the transparent plastic bags for the resources garbage which Kyoto city appointed after rinsed.

If you don't want to recycle, and if the dirty containers that can't be rinsed clean should be handled as "Burnable garbage". Please put them into yellow bag which Kyoto city appointed . In case, you put your gargabe as resources garbage, please do NOT mix other garbage.

☆ 「プラスチック容器・ラッピング」は、 洗ってから、京都市指定の透明の「資源ごみ用」の袋に入れて、火曜日の朝に出して下さい。

Please put "Plastic containers and Wrappings" on Tuesday.

Please use the transparent plastic bags for the resources garbage which Kyoto city appointed after rinsed.



Dirty containers that can't be rinsed clean should be handled as "Burnable garbage". Please put them into yellow bag which Kyoto city appointed .

In case, you put your gargabe as resources garbage, please do NOT mix other garbage.

☆ 「缶・びん・ペットボトル」は、洗ってから、京都市指定の透明の「資源ごみ用」の袋に入れて、水曜日の朝に出して下さい。

Please put "Cans, Glass bottles, PET bottles(plastic bottles)" into the box on Wednesday morning.

Please use the transparent plastic bags for the resources garbage which Kyoto city appointed after rinsed.



Dirty containers that can't be rinsed clean should be handled as "Burnable garbage". Please put them into yellow bag which Kyoto city appointed .

In case, you put your gargabe as resources garbage, please do NOT mix other garbage.

☆ 段ボールや古新聞のリサイクルを希望される場合は、ヒモでくくってから、リサイクル業者へ出して下さい。

If you want to recycle, please bind the corrugated cardboards and newspapers and then please hand a recycle company.
(If you put the corrugated cardboards and newspapers on the street, a recycle company may pick up them or not.)


Or please put the corrugated cardboards and other papers as burnable garbage.


Cardboard and newspapers cannot be recycled if it gets wet or dirty. Please put them as burnable garbage. If it is too big to fit in the bag, please chop it to be able to put the bag.




Extra charge will be charged for oversized garbage such as furniture, home appliances, suitcases and so on. Prior reservation is required to dispose of garbage. Please call 0120-100-530.

[Atteention for the getting out your garbage For Yours Kitayama]


[English Pages]
