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Shodenji-temple is a Buddhism temple belonging to the Rinzai Zen sect located in quiet temple in the mountain village in north part of Kyoto.


The garden of the Shodenji-temple is a dry landscape style incorporating the scenery of Mt. Hiei. The main building, the blood ceiling and the Fusuma-e(Picture of the sliding paper-door) are famous.



There is a path bamboo on the backyard of the temple. It is not bigger than bamboo street in Arashiyama. But it is quieter than Arasiyama. There are no tourist around there.


Sodenji-temple was in the quiet mountain village. But a golf course has been developed. There are old cherry trees remembering old days in a golf course by the path.


There is a graveyard when you go through bamboo street. And you can see around Kyoto Sangyou University and Mt. Hiei.

写真をクリックすると、大きな画像が見えます。Please click the photos to see large photos.

正伝寺 / Sodenji-temple  wikipedia

観光案内(1)  観光案内(2)



David Bowie loved Sodenji-temple very much. He often visited this temple and composed "Crystal Japan". Shinji Tanimura who is famous singer-songwriter often went there from school days and said that "I forget time just sitting down on the porch of the main hall in front of garden, and I seems to be able to feel quiet in his heart.

デヴィッド・ボウイ クリスタルジャパン / David Bowie - Crystal Japan  wikipedia


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