AbcdeFlat wifiのページへようこそ!

Welcome to abcdeflat wifi! You were certificated!

警告  Warning!

ゴミは京都市指定の黄色い燃やすゴミ用の袋に入れて下さい! ゴミ出しのルールに反していると、ゴミが収集されません。

Please put these garbage into the yellow for "Burnable garbage" which designated by Kyoto city!

These garbage were not collected out because these garbage are against the rule. We had to repack to the garbage bag which designated by Kyoto city. And we had to bring them out.

警告  Warning!


This garbage is against the rule. Please put these garbage into the yellow for "Burnable garbage" which designated by Kyoto city!

Pet bottes and plastic containers can't be mixed. And you have to clean up them if you want to recycle.
If you can't, please put all garbage into the yellow bag for "Burnable garbage" which designated by Kyoto city.

[ゴミ出しについてのお願い/Atteention for the getting out your garbage]

[郵便物の受け取り方 / How to get your mail surely]

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フェースブックでうささんの友達になって下さい!/Please make friends with Usasan at Facebook!


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