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The last day of the burnable garbage collection: 31 December(Tue)

There are no garbage collection in New Year Holiday (from 1 Jan to 5th Jan). Please keep your garbage in your room in this period.

The collection starting date of the burnable garbage: 7th January(Tuesday)

The collection starting date of the plastic container: 6th January (Monday)

The collection starting date of the can, the bottle and plastic bottle: 8th January (Wednesday)


[ゴミ出しについてのお願い/Atteention for the getting out your garbage]

給湯器の凍結について / The freeze of the hot water supply device




A water service and hot water supply device may freeze up when it becomes very cold. It is very rare that the water supply in Kyoto freeze. But the hot water supply device may freeze when it is less than -1 degree centigrade by a weather forecast.
(Since the water heater has an anti-freezing device, it may not freeze even if the temperature drops below freezing, but if the wind is strong, it may freeze locally.) (Also, if you use the air conditioner for a long time it may freeze easily. This does not apply to rooms that do not have a water heater on the balcony.)

If you really wants to use hot water from early morning, please turn off the indoor water heater and then let the water drip from the faucet (hot water side faucet) little by little overnight.
(If you put out too much water, it may cause the water heater to malfunction, so please use water little by little. Do not unplug the water heater.)

If the water heater or water pipe is frozen, please wait for it to thaw naturally and do not warm the water heater rapidly. If you rush to defrost by pouring hot water on it, the water pipe may burst or the water heater may break down.

[給湯器の凍結について/About the freeze of the water service and hot water supply device]

(The type and installation location of the hot water supply device differs depending on the apartments. Please contact us if the above does not fit.)


結露について / About dew condensation



2) 料理をする時やシャワーを使う時など、湿気を生じる時は、換気扇をご利用下さい。

When there is difference of temperature of the heat and cold, the dew condensation occurs to the window of the aluminum frame. Although it is usual thing, if dew condensation occurs heaveily, mold may grow when we do not perform the following thing.(You don't have to worry about mold excessively if you don't mind. If you wash the curtains with chlorine-based detergent, it will become clean.)

1) Please wipe off the dew condensation with a dustcloth. Then it prevents curtain and floor from getting wet.
(The window may be broken when you put a dew condensation prevention seat or a dew condensation adsorption seat on the window. And also the window may be broken when you warm the window. Therefore please don't put anything on the window. And please don't heat the window.)

2) Please use the ventilation fan, when you cook, when you shower, or when you produce moisture.
(When you use the ventilation fan, please open a window. Otherwise the performance of ventilation fan is not well.)





[郵便物の受け取り方について / How to get your mail surely]

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[For the residents in AbcdeFlat Kitayama(English Pages)]



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